Insanity during the pandemic

Insanity during the pandemic

We all agree that 2020 has been an interesting year, to say the least. It’s been a year that we’ll all remember it until the day we part ways with this world, and after that, it will most likely remain in the world’s history books. The global pandemic that has hit our world, has had a major impact on all of us. For some, smaller and for some others, bigger.

I’m not even going to try to describe the devastating aftermath it had on the global economy with people losing their jobs, nor will I touch on the gruesome reality of many families losing their loved ones. One less talked about the impact that the global pandemic had on us, is people’s sanity, mental health and wellbeing.

When COVID-19 hit the northern hemisphere, we were entering springtime. With Spring people’s mentality changes and their spirits lift up. The days are longer, the weather gets warmer and everyone seems to be happier. So when we were asked to lock ourselves inside back in March, things weren’t as bad. In fact, for most, it was a welcome change from their daily lives.

It was only until the lockdown measures pushed into the summer months that people started talking about their mental health, tired of the quarter-long restrictions and inability to go out and interact with other humans, and more so, with their loved ones.

Thankfully, lockdown restrictions were lifted during the summer months and people started getting back into some level of normality. Since then, things got hairy and the global cases skyrocketed, resulting in a second lockdown for many countries across the world.

The second lockdown, although shorter, it somehow feels more draining than before. Part of the reason is that working from home has taken a toll on many of us. Not being part of our normal lives, we don’t know how to handle it. Our houses, flats and apartments were not designed for work from home scenarios. Most of us have associated home with relaxation and escaping from the world of work, spending time with our loved ones.

All of these have now been mashed into one and the lines are blurry, leaving us unable to distinguish one from the other. Work hours have become longer and the weekends have become shorter. Worst of all, our “escape from reality” purposefully-built homes, have become our work environments.

And that’s what prompted me to make the video above. Even with a pinch of sarcasm and self-realisation, these questions and dialogues constantly pop in my head making me realise how important mental health can be for everyone.

I haven’t figured it out just yet, but I’m certainly trying new things to keep me sane. Exercising out was not my thing, but it’s something I’m currently exploring. So is taking more breaks during the day and wearing work clothes during working hours.

Eventually, things will go back to normal. Whatever normal will be by then. But until then, we have to keep improvising.

Stay sane and safe!

Until next time…

Check out my other videos here.

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