Day 12: Macro photography

Day 12: Macro photography

The last three days I was asked to capture a series of complementing shots, so today I’m ready to explore something new. That’s macro photography.

This challenge requires to get close and ‘personal’ with your subject. I was asked to explore textures and specular qualities of the subject that are not easily seen with the naked eye unless you get up close. The standard macro shots I’ve seen in the past are of insects or flowers, but I wanted to do something slightly different.

I’m a big coffee lover! Can’t function in the morning without it. I love the smell of freshly ground coffee beans, and I’m always eager to chew on them!

taking a picture of a coffee bean sounds boring though. So I wanted to dress it up a bit and make it interesting.

I decided to use a mug as my prop and add lights in the picture. I also carefully displayed the beans in the coffee machine at work after everyone was gone in the evening.

Since I did not have a macro lens, and I wasn’t going to rent one for a day, I pushed my existing lens as much as possible. I used an EFS 24mm that macros at 16cm. Not too close, but as I said, I had to work with what I had.

If I’m being honest, while this picture didn't get the love and attention I thought it would, I loved setting up my shot and trying different angles.

Day 14: Product photography crash course

Day 14: Product photography crash course

Day 13: Exploring depth

Day 13: Exploring depth