How safe do you feel at home?

How safe do you feel at home?

Last year, more than 60,000 home were broken into in London alone. That’s one of the worst things it can happen to anyone, outside physical violence of course. Getting mugged or robed can leave a “scar” to someone, more so of it happens inside your home. If you’re lucky, you won’t be in while it takes place. If you are in, things can get a bit complicated…

Recently, a couple of my friends got robbed in the middle of the day while at work. Judging by the fact that not many items went missing and the state the apartment was in, the Police came to the conclusion that the robber(s) rushed out as they probably heard someone walking into the building.

This gave me an idea for a short film of what would it be like if you walked into a burglarer robbing your apartment.

For me, it was a great excuse to play around with a short script and a storyboard, as well as practise with different lighting set ups, replicating natural moon and street light. I've a long way to go, as you can see from the video, but I’m pretty happy with some of the results given this was my first attempt with a lighting set up.

Another challenge I wanted to tackle was to extract emotions throughout this film. While rather comical, I wanted to recreate that sense of anxiety we have when the protagonist is about to face the antagonist in the big screen films. To achieve that, I emphasised and spent a lot of time on sound design, carefully selecting music tracks and sound effects to match the visuals.

I had great fun making this short film on a Friday evening, even though I was really worried I’d run into my neighbours looking like a criminal.

Till next time…

Check out my other videos.

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