Day 7: Introducing movement

Day 7: Introducing movement

It’s been a full week since I started this challenge and I already feel a bit more confident around my camera.

Today I had to portray movement and action. There are a number of ways to do this with most of them involving a moving subject.

But since I only posted the stop-motion picture on Day 3, I felt I needed to do something different now and show motion from a different perspective, or at least use a different technique.

Today’s challenge was not easy. I struggled to find my subject. I thought of river currents, waterfalls, fountains, a moving car or a bus, even trail lights. But I either couldn’t get to any of these places promptly, or I’ve done it before.

I was very close on missing the deadline and almost gave up.

The good thing about going with your wife for shopping is that in the end day she feels sorry for dragging you around for 3 hours from store to store, so she’s keen in helping you capture your photo right before the end of the day!!

Thankfully, she was eager to pose on a dirty and stuffy platform, for as long as we needed to get the shot of the moving tube wagon right.

To differentiate a bit, I used manual focus and dropped my aperture to 1.8f to create that natural smoothness between my subject and the background. I dropped my shutter speed to about 1/15 and my ISO to 100 to ensure my photo was correctly exposed.

At the end of the day, we both went back home happy, fulfilled with the feeling of accomplishment! Each for a different reason.

Day 8: Recreate your favourite painting

Day 8: Recreate your favourite painting

Day 6: Reflections

Day 6: Reflections